Medicinska Škola Ante Kuzmanića Zadar

Notice of participation in the main PISA 2022 survey

 Feb. 4, 2022, 9:14 a.m. |   Zanimljiva događanja

Our school was selected to participate in the main PISA 2022 survey.

In 85 countries, including Croatia, the implementation of the main PISA 2022 survey has begun, which was moved from 2021 to 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The PISA 2022 survey is the eighth cycle of research in which, in addition to reading and science literacy, for the third time examining students' mathematical literacy as the main examination area. In addition, this research cycle will further examine students' ability to think creatively. In Croatia, about 190 schools and about 7,600 fifteen-year-old students and their parents will take part in the research.

Pedagogue Petra Dominis Žura has been appointed the school coordinator of the PISA research.

Preparations are underway, and student testing will be conducted during March and April 2022 (exact date reported by NCVVO).

The results of the research will be published in December 2023.

We kindly ask 1st and 2nd grade teachers to wait for the instructions of the coordinator if there is a need for cooperation in the form of informing students and parents.

Thank you!

Petra Dominis Žura, pedagogue