Završetak aktivnosti Erasmus + projekta "Program zdravstvene njege"
Brošura "Temeljne informacije o skrbi za osobe s oštećenjem vida"
Video Erasmus + "Program zdravstvene njege"
Zapisnik Tima za kvalitetu i praćenje projekta" Program zdravstvene njege"
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Škofja loka - izvješće (2.tjedan)
Škofja loka - izvješće (1.tjedan)
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Shematski prikaz projektnih aktivnosti
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Predavanje u Domu za odrasle osobe Zemunik i najava projektnih aktivnosti
Uvodni sastanak učenika i projektnog tima
Agency for Mobility and EU Programs (hereinafter: the Agency) on the basis of the Decision on the award of grants for project proposals under the Call for Proposals for 2022 for the Erasmus + program - Key Activity 1 for vocational education and training, deadline 23.2 .2022. accepted the project proposal of the Ante Kuzmanić-Zadar Medical School and approved a grant in the amount of EUR 27,292.00.
The 12-month Erasmus + project entitled "Health Care Program" aims to increase the quality of vocational education for the profession of general care nurse / general care technician in the care of the blind and visually impaired.
Students will participate in this mobility project through practical work at the Center for the Visually Impaired and Blind in Škofja Loka and strengthen their key knowledge and skills in the field of health care, especially in working with people with visual impairments. They will meet new methods of work and technologies, modern equipment and care for the elderly with visual impairments. During the internship, students will learn and develop new skills and knowledge that they will use during their schooling by going to an international environment. Furthermore, students will acquire communication skills in working with people with visual impairments and the use of aids such as typhlotechnical aids, handling medical equipment, instruments and appliances, guiding blind and partially sighted people and assisting in daily activities.
Project team:
Anita Basioli, prof
Petra Karaga, M.Sc.
Sonja Šare, M.Sc.