Medicinska Škola Ante Kuzmanića Zadar

A generation that will remain in good memory for everyone

 July 5, 2018, 8:41 a.m. |   Zanimljiva događanja

The Ante Kuzmanić medical school promotes the graduation of the graduates, already since 1994, in Sv. Donatu, but this year for the first time the 25th promotion was held at Kneževa Palace on Thursday, June 28, 2018. With the award ceremony we congratulated all graduates on successful achievements in their high school education and entering the adult world.

A total of 85 diplomas were awarded at this year's ceremony. The opening ceremony was marked by the female klapa Magnifica, followed by the graduates of this year's graduates: prof. Helena Bekić, prof. Anita Stipanov and prof. Danijela Kovačević shared the awards for 13 graduates, who completed all the years of schooling with great success and expressed themselves in numerous extracurricular activities of the School. The monograph of the city of Zadar with the dedication was presented to them.

The main part of the ceremony began with the inspired speech of the head of the school prof. Davora Vidaković, who among other things sent greeting cards to all students and their parents and wanted them a lot of success in further education and life. He urged them to maintain their high school friendships and said that their school door would remain open. It followed the main part of the promotion. On behalf of the school, director Vidaković handed over the final exams of 85-year-old graduates of the Ante Kuzmanić School of Medicine who had earned the title of nurse-medical technician and pharmaceutical technician.

One of the specialties that the School traditionally cherishes year after year is the proclamation of the generations of students. This year, the 3 best students of Josip Golem, Antonija Tržić and Đani Sarić received the traditional symbol of the school, the school bell with the engraved name and the text "Discipula optima / discipulus optimus" and a medical English-Croatian dictionary. The awarded students thanked all the teachers and their school friends and surrendered a small bell to the representatives of the current Vicariate Karli Pavlović, who will keep it until the end of their mature days the following year.

The celebration started with the joint photographs in front of the church of St. Donata and St. Mary and a traditional beer spoon, symbol of the book, and continued with the fun of a mature man till long into the night