April 15, 2019, 8:13 a.m. | Zanimljiva događanja
Today, our students Marija Pehar, Angela Plantak, Danijela Matek and Karla Božilović in our school and in the City Gallery Zadar have collected donations for two humanitarian projects in our school, "One for Everyone" project, which we help the school pupils and the project "Schools for Africa" by which we support the right to education as one of the fundamental human rights.
In exchange for their donations pupils offered to our fellow citizens knitted olive twigs created on the Easter Creative Workshop. The workshop was held from 1st to 11th April in 1st, 3rd and 4th grade, and was attended by Branka Perić and Ema Jukic, and by the students of Anđela Koton and Andrea Kršulja in cooperation with the school librarian.
We are grateful to all who supported our students' work and the human goals of our projects with their participation in fundraising.