Medicinska Škola Ante Kuzmanića Zadar

Exhibition of works by the art group "Humanitas"

 Nov. 17, 2020, 5:17 p.m. |   Zanimljiva događanja


The works of our students, the art group "Humanitas", which this year will participate in the virtual County Festival Art Design 2020 (theme "Death - the art of living"), were exhibited in our school, in a small exhibition in the period from 4.11. to 17. 11. 2020. Participants in the exhibition with their works: Marija Komljenović 3. a; Marta Ramić 3. c; Lidija Ostojic 3. c; Josipa Dujić, 4th c; Milica Traživuk, 5. b; Danijela Matek, 5th b; Petra Frleta 2. a, Lucija Lisica 2. a; Adam Zrilić 2. b and Maggie Grbić 2. c, under the guidance of mentor prof. Helena Bekić. This year, students and staff were able to choose the best three works, and the award ceremony for students and the proclamation of the best three works was held today, November 17, 2020, in the exhibition space of our school at 12.30. The principal of the school, Anita Basioli, also presented the best works to the students with appropriate awards. The best works according to the votes are:

1. MARIJA KOMLJENOVIĆ - work "Tempus fugit"

2. DANIJELA MATEK - work "Krinka"

3. JOSIPA DUJIĆ - work "Transient Glory"

Congratulations to all students on participating and a big bravo for the best three works!