Medicinska Škola Ante Kuzmanića Zadar

Let's play

 May 13, 2021, 5:29 p.m. |   Zanimljiva događanja

As part of the project "Let's play" which is registered and approved on the etwinning platform, on May 11, 2021, a workshop was held in the 3rd c grade of the Medical School in Zadar. The aim of the project is to popularize science from kindergarten to high school. The workshop was held by professor Helena Bekić in the class. The professor prepared experiments for group work, with instructions from the professor of physics, Josip Stipanov from the School of Natural Sciences and Graphics in Zadar, who is also the author of the project. The workshop included three experiments in physics: free fall, atmospheric pressure, and friction force. Students performed experiments in groups. They were thrilled that they were able to perform the experiments on their own and come to the right conclusions.

See how well they had fun in the photo gallery.