Medicinska Škola Ante Kuzmanića Zadar

YOUTH COUNSELING CENTER: On the occasion of the green month, an educational workshop was held on the topic: "Walking in the woods"

 April 9, 2022, 1:09 p.m. |   Zanimljiva događanja

An educational workshop on "Walking through the woods" was held within the Youth Counseling Center in the 2nd grade, led by Professor Linda Bakotić, pedagogue Petra Dominis Žura and psychologist Yvette Kalaba.

The aim of the workshop is to raise awareness of the benefits of nature and its healing effects on humans. Stress reduction, better concentration, enhanced immunity and better mood. These are just some of the benefits of staying in nature and listening to yourself in it. The latest scientific research reveals the positive effect of forests and greenery on our health. Staying in nature can strengthen our immune defenses against many diseases (increases the production of white blood cells), harmonize heart function, somewhat lower high blood pressure, harmonize the action of hormones, relieve symptoms of depression, improve concentration and contribute to better sleep.

This guided meditation is designed to visualize, release, and change subconscious beliefs. In the journey through our own inner forest, we will discover our subconscious blockages and at the same time plant the seeds of new, positive and healthy beliefs. Turning on all the senses.